Submitting Your Complaint

We offer various ways for you to submit your complaint. This online form is just one option. You can also:

  • Send us an email
  • Mail or hand deliver a letter
  • Send us a fax

We encourage you to visit our “Before Filing a Complaint” page to learn about our jurisdiction and who the Ombudsman can assist.

Completing Your Complaint


  • Please ensure that you fill out all the required information before clicking “Submit Form” to avoid losing your information already put in.
  • If you have scanned copies or electronic files of relevant complaint documents, you can submit them in the Complaint Section 4(b) of the online form.
  • We recommend attaching files instead of copying large amount of text info into the form fields. Directions on how to attach a file and supported file formats are listed below.

What Happens Next?

When you click the “Submit Form” button, your complaint will be sent securely and confidentially. We will be in touch with you regarding your complaint. You will also have the option to print your complaint form after submitting it.

Contacting Authorities

Submitting a complaint may lead to our office contacting the relevant authority for further information or to explore potential resolutions before a formal investigation. Please be assured that any information shared with the authority will not be used to your detriment. If you prefer that we do not contact the authority, kindly state so when submitting your complaint. Be aware that, in most cases, for the Ombudsman to open an investigation, we will need to contact the authority and gather details about the complaint.

Your concerns are important to us, and we are here to assist you throughout this process.

Ready to Submit Your Complaint?

Please Indicate You’ve Read the Tips & Instructions in the Section Above